Invest In You?


I was intrigued by an article by Jon Westenburg about how to take control of your business and your life. Here’s the gist of what he said (with limited editorial comment). Write a list of 100 things you’ll do in your life; not what you might do, what you will do. Divide the list by categories: Need skill for. Need time for. Do immediately. (Keep your list in your face).Create a chart: Skills you have to learn; research you have to do; action you have to take. Begin measuring your progress (be brutally honest). Take immediate action on things you can do over the next 30 days (get some easy, early wins!).Pick your dates (A goal is a dream with a deadline!). Convert viewing time (Don’t watch so much on so many electronic devices, especially sports, Netflix and other pay-channels). Have a daily routine: begin your day reading through your master list, look at your charts and columns, schedule things to accomplish today. On purpose!Westenburg asks: Want to accomplish anything? Answers: Stop dreaming, take action. Treat everything like a project you get paid for. Hey, it seems to make sense to me. It’s one author’s suggestion. I suggest we each pick what works for us. I’m gonna make the list. What will you do to invest in you?
