Trying To Do Too Much?


Trying to do too much is a common problem of my clients. Most of us are trying to do too much in too little time.

Yes, it’s true you can only do so much (like the rest of humankind).

Constant moaning I’m only one person, with one set of hands, one puny brain, doesn’t serve much purpose.

Next time you start a-moanin’, acknowledge this red flag, push back from what you’re doing, grab a pen and paper, and write down your true priorities.

Pick the three most important results you need to get. Then take immediate action on the first one until you can’t do any more.

Then, on to the second, same mantra, ’til you can’t do anymore; then, to the third.

You’ll find your stress reduced and your self-satisfaction enhanced. You’ll get improved results, which tells you that you’re dealing with your priorities head-on. Your life will get better, guaranteed!

Repeat after every moanin’ session about not having enough time, bandwidth, or hands to do what you said you had to. Don’t try to do too much.

Do only that which deals with your priorities. You’ll always have enough time for that!
