Cliches become cliches because they're repeated over and over…and because so many of them express universal truths. Cliches like: All things must end; nothing lasts forever. And: The only thing that doesn't change is change. And: Relationships are the key to life!
Your relationships which we refer to as your FoodChain are the key to life because the quality of your life is greatly determined by the quality of your relationships. When your relationships are out of whack, your quality of life suffers, and it won’t matter how much money you have or how many assets you've accumulated. When your relationships are fulfilling, your life tends to be fulfilled.
A common mistake we make is to spend too much time with the wrong people and not enough time with those who are most important to us, the ones who’ll give us the biggest return on our invested time and energy. One of the greatest ways to diminish the joy in our lives is to spend it with the wrong people.
FoodChain management—relationship management—requires people-attention: time, focus, energy, caring, compromise, based on changing values, experiences, and needs. Let's pay attention. Let's assure we're managing our relationships properly and we’re spending the right amount of time and energy that excellence and a healthy relationship demand.
Why? Because relationships are the key to life!